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Adapted from Lubbert, M. et al. (2017) eLife 6, e28412. with permission of eLife Sciences.
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ω-Conotoxin GVIA is a synthetic toxin originally isolated from the Conus geographus. ω-Conotoxin GVIA is a specific blocker of CaV2.2 Ca2+ channels. It specifically blocks N-type CaV channels by binding to the CaV2.2 α1 subunit (α1B) and its action is only partially reversible.2,3 In accordance, it inhibits synaptic transmission in many systems.4 It is also reported to antagonize P2X receptors.5 The toxin is used to specifically investigate CaV2.2 channel's contributions (by subtraction of the activity before and during perfusion of the toxin). Alternatively, it is used to eliminate the N-type channel contribution to highlight some other channel or enzyme activity. ω-Conotoxin GVIA was also used to purify the channel protein using immunoprecipitation techniques and to label and localize channels and synapses.6
ω-Conotoxin GVIA (#C-300) is a highly pure, synthetic, and biologically active peptide toxin.
- Knockdown of FMRP enhances synaptic vesicle exocytosis in presynaptic terminals of DRG neurons via CaV2.2 channels.A and B. vGpH response to 40 AP at 10 Hz from presynaptic terminals of DRG neurons transfected with Ctrl shRNA (A) or FMRP shRNA (B) before and after treatment with ω-Conotoxin GVIA (#C-300) and ω-Agatoxin IVA (#STA-500). Fluorescence intensities were normalized to the peak of a brief application of NH4Cl. C. Normalized vGpH responses to 40 AP at 10 Hz from presynaptic terminals of DRG neurons transfected with Ctrl shRNA (black-filled bar, 100±10.6%, n = 38) or FMRP shRNA (red open bar, 137.0±12.6%, n = 25, P = 0.027). ω-Conotoxin GVIA (ConoTx) reduces Ctrl shRNA and FMRP shRNA responses to a similar level (44.7±4.9%, n = 15 and 41.6±3.3%, n = 24, respectively). ω-Conotoxin GVIA and ω-Agatoxin IVA (AgaTx) application further reduces the responses: Ctrl shRNA = 17.3±3.2%, n = 38, and FMRP shRNA = 18.1±5.0%, n = 27. D. Average vGpH response to a 40 Hz stimulation for 30 s from presynaptic terminals of DRG neurons transfected with Ctrl shRNA (blackfilled squares) or FMRP shRNA (open red squares).
Adapted from Ferron, L. et al. (2014) with permission of Springer Nature.
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