Cat #: EK-203_KIT
Size: 12 Vials
Form: Lyophilized
Aconitine Cat #: A-150
25 mg
Source: Natural
MW: 645.74
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Aconitum karacolium.
Effective concentration
100 nM - 1 μM.
Aconitine modulates voltage-dependent sodium channels in a complex way1. It activates the channel at low voltages, while at high voltages its effects appear inhibitory.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
DMSO, ethanol. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to four weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
Anthopleurin-C Cat #: A-400
5 µg
MW: 4878 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Natural peptide isolated from Anthopleura elegantissima (Sea anemone).
Effective concentration
1-5 nM
Anthopleurin-C is a potent cardiotoxin, which evokes a positive inotropic and chronotropic effect on mammalian heart muscle1,2. It also modifies the current passing through the fast Na+ channel in neuroblastoma cells, leading to delay and incomplete inactivation2.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any aqueous buffer. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to one week at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
ATX-II Cat #: STA-700
50 µg
MW: 4935 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
10-100 nM.
ATX-II potently modulates voltage-gated Na+ channel gating kinetics by delaying its inactivation and prolonging the action potential of excitable membranes. ATX-II has been used as a powerful activator of TTX-sensitive and insensitive Na+ channels in various excitable tissue and cell types1-9.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any aqueous buffer. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to four weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
BDS-I Cat #: STB-400
0.1 mg
MW: 4708 Da
Purity: >95% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
100 nM - 5 µM.
BDS-I inhibits 60% of KV3.4 current. The blocking effect is rapid, direct and reversible1. BDS-I also modulates voltage-gated Na+ channels. It enhances TTX-sensitive Na+ channels (highly effective on NaV1.7 channels), and weakly inhibits TTX-resistant NaV channels2.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any aqueous buffer. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to four weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
Jingzhaotoxin-II Cat #: STJ-150
50 µg
MW: 3561 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
200-500 nM.
Jingzhaotoxin-II significantly slows rapid inactivation of TTX-resistant VGSC in cardiac myocytes and TTX-sensitive Na+ channels1.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any aqueous buffer. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to two weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
α-Pompilidotoxin Cat #: P-170
1 mg
MW: 1529 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
10-100 µM.
α-Pompilidotoxin slows NaV channel inactivation without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of the TTX-sensitive Na+ currents in the neuromuscular synapse1-3.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any aqueous buffer. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to one week at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
1Kα-Pompilidotoxin Cat #: P-172
1 mg
MW: 1502 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
100-200 µM.
1Kα-PMTX slows NaV channel inactivation without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of the TTX-sensitive Na+ currents in the neuromuscular synapse1-3.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Centrifuge all products BEFORE adding solvent (10,000 x g for 5 minutes). The lyophilizate may be difficult to visualize. Add solvent directly to the centrifuged vial and tap on it to dissolve lyophilized peptide. Tilt and gently roll the liquid over the walls of the vial. Avoid vigorous vortexing (3-5 seconds of light vortexing is acceptable). Confirm visually that the solution is clear. Spin down and make sure no visible pellet accumulates in the vial (to ensure complete dissolution). Divide the solution into single-use aliquots and store at -20°C. Before use, thaw the relevant vial(s) intended for use and dilute in the desired working buffer. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles to maintain biological activity. The preparation of fresh solutions in working buffers before use is recommended.
Soluble in pure water up to 10 mM. For long-term storage in solution, it is recommended to prepare a stock solution by dissolving the product in double distilled water (ddH2O) at a concentration between 100-1000x of the final working concentration.
Soluble in pure water up to 10 mM. For long-term storage in solution, it is recommended to prepare a stock solution by dissolving the product in double distilled water (ddH2O) at a concentration between 100-1000x of the final working concentration.
Storage after reconstitution
Up to two weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
3Rα-Pompilidotoxin Cat #: P-174
1 mg
MW: 1558 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
100-200 µM.
3Rα-Pompilidotoxin slows NaV channel inactivation without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of the TTX-sensitive Na+ currents in the neuromuscular synapse1-3.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any other aqueous buffer, pH > 8. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to two weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
3R12Rα-Pompilidotoxin Cat #: P-176
1 mg
MW: 1586 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
100-200 µM.
3R12Rα-PMTX slows NaV channel inactivation without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of the TTX-sensitive Na+ currents in the neuromuscular synapse1-3.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any other aqueous buffer. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to two weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
β-Pompilidotoxin Cat #: P-180
1 mg
MW: 1559 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
10-100 µM.
β-Pompilidotoxin slows NaV channel inactivation, without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of the TTX-sensitive Na+ currents in the neuromuscular synapse1-3. β-Pompilidotoxin is five times more potent than α-Pompilidotoxin1,2.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Centrifuge all products BEFORE adding solvent (10,000 x g for 5 minutes). The lyophilizate may be difficult to visualize. Add solvent directly to the centrifuged vial and tap on it to dissolve lyophilized peptide. Tilt and gently roll the liquid over the walls of the vial. Avoid vigorous vortexing (3-5 seconds of light vortexing is acceptable). Confirm visually that the solution is clear. Spin down and make sure no visible pellet accumulates in the vial (to ensure complete dissolution). Divide the solution into single-use aliquots and store at -20°C. Before use, thaw the relevant vial(s) intended for use and dilute in the desired working buffer. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles to maintain biological activity. The preparation of fresh solutions in working buffers before use is recommended.
Soluble in pure water up to 10 mM. For long-term storage in solution, it is recommended to prepare a stock solution by dissolving the product in double distilled water (ddH2O) at a concentration between 100-1000x of the final working concentration.
Soluble in pure water up to 10 mM. For long-term storage in solution, it is recommended to prepare a stock solution by dissolving the product in double distilled water (ddH2O) at a concentration between 100-1000x of the final working concentration.
Storage after reconstitution
Up to one week at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
1Kβ-Pompilidotoxin Cat #: P-182
1 mg
MW: 1531 Da
Purity: >98% (HPLC)
Net peptide content: 100%
Synthetic peptide
Effective concentration
100-200 µM.
1Kβ-PMTX slows NaV channel inactivation without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of the TTX-sensitive Na+ currents in the neuromuscular synapse1-3. 1Kβ-PMTX showed the largest effects on the various tested NaV isoforms, mainly on NaV1.6 channels1.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Any other aqueous buffer, pH > 8. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to two weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
Veratridine Cat #: V-110
5 mg
Source: Natural
MW: 673.8
Purity: >98%
Veratrum officinale.
Effective concentration
1-200 μM.
Veratridine is an alkaloid which is a potent modulator of voltage-dependent Na+ channels and hence, of transmitter release1,2. Veratridine reduces the single channel conductance and increases the persistent opening probability3.
Storage before reconstitution
Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
DMSO. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage after reconstitution
Up to four weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
For more information, please refer to individual certificate of analysis for each product.
For research purposes only, not for human use