Chemical name 1-(6-chloropyridin-2-yl)piperidin-4-amine hydrochloride.
Molecular formula C10H15Cl2N3.
CAS No.: 77145-61-0
Activity SR 57227A is a high affinity, selective 5-HT3 receptor agonist, active in vivo and CNS penetrant1.
Bachy, al. (1993) Eur. J. Pharmacol.237, 299.
Shipping and storage Shipped at room temperature. Product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Solubility 50 mM in water. Centrifuge all product preparations before use (10000 x g 5 min).
Storage of solutions Up to four weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
Our bioassay
Alomone Labs SR57227Aactivates 5-HT3A receptors expressed in HEK 293T cells.
Currents were elicited by 1 or 10 µM SR57227A (#S-155), as indicated. The currents that were elicited were comparable in amplitude to the cells responses to 10 µM 5-HT (not shown here).
References - Scientific background
Bachy, al. (1993) Eur. J. Pharmacol.237, 299.
Poncelet, al. (1995) J. Neural Transm. Gen. Sect.102, 83.
Scientific background
SR 57227A is a compound with high affinity and selectivity for activating 5-HT3 receptors. It acts as an agonist for peripheral and central 5-HT3 receptors, both in vitro and in vivo, with IC50 values between 2.8 and 250 nM with no affinity for other subtypes of 5-HT.
SD 57227A has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier, unlike many 5-HT3 receptors. Thus, SR 57227A can be used as a useful tool for characterizing the neuropharmacological effects produced by the stimulation of 5-HT3 receptors1.
Some findings show that administration of SR 57227A can acutely induce and trigger movements and motor response in the hind limbs of adult paraplegic mice2.
Additional findings indicate that SR 57227A exhibits antidepressant-like activity in rodent and decrease isolation induced aggressive behavior3.
Target Serotonin-gated channels
Lyophilized Powder
SR 57227A (#S-155) is a highly pure, synthetic, and biologically active compound.