Venomous creatures have a sophisticated mechanism for prey capture which includes a vast array of biologically active compounds, such as …
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The Role of p75NTR in Cancer
No generalizations about the role of this enigmatic receptor in cancer can be made. As in all other aspects of …
KATP Channels: Linking Cell Metabolism to Cell Excitability
ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP channels) were described nearly 20 years ago in membrane patches of isolated ventricular myocytes. Since then, …
Interactions of KCNE Auxiliary Subunits with KV and other Channels
KCNEs are integral membrane proteins that associate with and strongly modulate the activity of several ion channels. The different KCNE …
Cyclic Nucleotide-Regulated Ion Channels: From Light Sensing to Pace Keeping
The cyclic nucleotide-regulated ion channels are a heterogeneous superfamily of different ion channels that share common membrane topology and pore …
The Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Ion Channels
TRP channels show diverse biophysical properties and gating mechanisms and were found to play an important role in sensory physiology, …
Mainstream- Fringe- and Patho- Physiology of Voltage Dependent Na+ (NaV) Channels
Voltage gated Na+ (NaV) channels mediate action potential genesis and propagation in most excitable cells. Other roles played by NaV …
Ca2+-Dependent K+ (KCa) Channels: At the Crossroads of Cell Metabolism
K+ channels are the largest and most diverse superfamily of ion channels. They are ubiquitously expressed in both excitatory and …
Targeting Ion Channels in Living Cells
During the last few years there has been an increased focus on ion channel-related research in tissues and cells other …
Voltage Dependent Ca2+ (CaV) Channels
In many physiological systems, voltage dependent Ca2+ (CaV) channels are the molecular link between cellular membrane potential and intracellular Ca2+ …